Appointments with Dr Puntmann
Dr Puntmann offers clinical appointments upon request at her practice in Frankfurt. Dr Puntmann also offers virtual consultations, second opinions, and outpatient cardiac investigations (blood tests, ECG, echocardiography, cardiopulmonary exercise tolerance testing, cardiac MRI). She directly supervises or performs all the cardiac MRI scans.
Due to personnel issues and a lack of scanning slots, Frankfurt Practice only accepts new patients with private insurance or international patients.
Patients may wish to consider participating in the Myoflame-19 Study of Long COVID Heart study, where 16 weeks of therapy is guided by cardiac MRI.
Patients may wish to consider participating in the Myoflame-19 Study of Long COVID Heart study, where 16 weeks of therapy is guided by cardiac MRI.
Cardiac MRI Appointments
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Kardiologische Privatpraxis Priv. Doz. Dr. Puntmann
c/o Medneo Frankfurt,
Bockenheimer Landstraße 23, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
Email: [email protected] (Zivver)
[email protected];
Phone: +49(0)69 6770163-12
Direct Booking - Doctena Website
c/o Medneo Frankfurt,
Bockenheimer Landstraße 23, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
Email: [email protected] (Zivver)
[email protected];
Phone: +49(0)69 6770163-12
Direct Booking - Doctena Website